Coaching and Team Development
Coaching for Women and Men in Leadership Positions
e.g. reflecting on personal leadership styles or projects
Coaching of Individuals
e.g. support in intercultural cooperation or integration of expats in Switzerland
Team Development
e.g. coaching the planning process and introduction of jobsharing teams
e.g. reflecting on personal leadership styles or projects
Coaching of Individuals
e.g. support in intercultural cooperation or integration of expats in Switzerland
Team Development
e.g. coaching the planning process and introduction of jobsharing teams
Julia Kuark supports the reflection and development of my leadership role with her empathic and solution-oriented approach. Through her valuable input and feedback, she helps me to identify my own potential and utilize it to overcome a challenge or to attain a goal.
Annette Scherrer, lic. rer. pol., Head of Post Section, OFCOM Federal Office of Communications

Dr. Julia Kuark
International background and interdisciplinary expertise

JKK Consulting has a wide range of experience in the areas of organizational development, gender management, jobsharing, TopSharing, and intercultural competence

Publications on jobsharing and more
