Education & Workshops

Education & Workshops

Presentations and Lectures on specific topics such as Joint Leadership and TopSharing
e.g. at conferences or workshops

Seminars and Workshops for Enterprises and Public Organizations
e.g. intercultural perspectives or leadership for women

Teaching and Continuing Education at Academic Institutions and Universities of Applied Sciences
e.g. Teaching skills, qualitative research methodology, project management, social skills and gender issues

Workshops for Youths
e.g. for special project activities such as technology theme weeks, building bridges or ski camp

I had the privilege of working with Julia Kuark as a professor of academic methods throughout the three years of my bachelor degree. The theoretical concepts, the practical application, as well as the individual feedback and supervision has turned out to be very helpful, both in academia and practice.

Florian Bornhauser, B.Sc. IME HSLU School of Business, M.Sc. London School of Economics Executive Assistant to the KPMG, Assistant Manager Deal Advisory, Strategy, Zürich